Monthly Archives: January 2006

The trouble with Whole Foods – redux

Eh hmm! It’s not just a New York Whole Foods problem it’s a common Whole Foods problem.

We have count them 1 Whole Foods market in St. Louis and it has the same problem. Apparently, some people loose there ability to walk when they enter a Whole Foods market. Have you ever wanted to say “WTF! Just buy the damn Organic apple already  and  get the fuck  out of my way”.  (opps! Did I just say that?)

I feel like I want to MOOOOOOOO when I go into the store.
Cause I feel like a cow in a heard grazing and movin real slow.

Ditto! Mac OS X is better, deal with it.

Another switch! I don’t think anyone could have said it better.

Sorry, newsRiver is not a community project

Recently, I received an email about newsRiver AJAX suggestions. I wanted to let people know that I am not a developer on the newsRiver code base. This IS NOT a community based project it’s a Dave developed project.

So, please don’t email with your feature request.

If Dave truly wanted a community developing the newRiver.root then he would have taken the steps to make it a community devloped project using Source Forge or something. So if you would like to see a feature added or a bug fixed then you need to figure out a way to communicate that to Dave not me.


Funny Cats

This is absolutely hilarious.

newsRiver ajax integration progress

I cleaned up and fixed a couple of bugs with the AJAX integration for newsRiver. You can now run it on any server and on any port. I also fixed the status message when making a request. The code has been commented with my changes.

Again this code implements Daniel’s demo interface. Which allows you to delete a story by just clicking on the checkbox.

The code I changed was the newsRiverWebsite.#template and the newsRiverSuite.viewNewsItems which I zipped up. I am not sure what you would do with those two exported pieces of code but here they are for the taking.

I also uploaded the newsRiver.root database. According to Dave Winer it’s a bad idea or can be dangerous to install it that way.